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guide to first impressions | The Sharp Gentleman

With the holidays right around the corner, it’s more important than ever to focus on making a good first impression on others. First impressions can have a lasting impact on those around you, which is why it’s essential to always act and dress your best. A gentleman should always feel confident, comfortable, and ready for any situation. Whether you’re going to visit your partner’s family for the first time or have plans to attend the office holiday party, there are many different ways you can

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Frustrated man with writers block attempting to write a love note to his wife.

It’s your anniversary (or some other occasion) and there you are staring at a blank card. It’s mocking you with its emptiness, taunting you with thoughts of inadequacy. Dramatic? Maybe a touch, but some of us don’t know where to start when it comes to writing a love note. However, from time to time you’ll be compelled to write something heartfelt for your significant others – so having a few tips will help. Whether it’s a handwritten card, a brief note, or journaling in a

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How to live in the present like an adult – The Sharp Gentleman

There is a constant struggle between trying to prepare for the future and trying to live in the moment like an adult. On the one hand, you never know where life is going to take you, so you want to live in the moment and be as present as possible, but there is no way to tell when your time here is done. It sounds harsh, but it’s woefully true. That’s why finding a balance of living in the now while taking steps to prepare

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Your Comfort Zone is Making You Fat | The Sharp Gentleman

Disclaimer: this episode contains opinions that are mine and may be offensive to others. While I do not care if a topic or opinion offends you (see here), I want to extend the courtesy of letting you know this may trigger you if you’re afraid of hearing strong ideas about fitness, motivation, and complacency – and that your comfort zone is making you fat. Before I got married, I made a commitment to fitness. It was actually a perfect time to do it. I started

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The Truth About Happiness with Jim McCarthy | The Sharp Gentleman

I know I’ve touched on the role and importance of happiness before, but this time I’m kicking it up a notch with science to explore the truth about happiness. Not to be confused with its apathetic cousin, contentment, happiness is about finding joy in the everyday, and letting it permeate into the tasks, trials, and takeaways of your everyday life. On this episode, I’m joined by Jim McCarthy. He’s a TEDx speaker and # 1 bestselling author of Live Each Day: A Surprisingly Simple Guide to Happiness. He teaches people

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How to Buy or Sell Your First Home – The Sharp Gentleman

The real estate market these days seems like a combination of fire and ice. As still as that sounds, some buyers and sellers are experiencing properties and transactions that are red hot deals, while others are getting iced with poor maintenance, missed opportunities, and bad decisions. So what does one look for when buying or selling a home? More importantly, what do you look for when buying or selling your first home? It seems like such an easy thing when you see if on television, and

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Gain Clarity & Recognize Opportunities - The Sharp Gentleman

In the last year, opportunity has shown up in a bunch of different spaces in my life. From relationships, friendships, travel, technology, and especially business ventures, it feels like opportunities are everywhere and I’d have to actively work to avoid them. It’s a good feeling. But it’s not like I didn’t do some adjusting to get here. This is a combination of focus and preparation. Speaking with a friend of mine, I heard the tell tale sign of someone blind to opportunities: “I wish I

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When you’re setting yourself up for success, you’re probably aware (of have heard repeatedly) that the people you surround yourself with everyday have a direct impact on your trajectory. The right people can help you feel powerful, tackle problems with critical thinking, and help you view the world from a perspective that enables you to be and do your absolute best. What you probably didn’t think about, however, is the impact your personal physical space also has on your success trajectory. Trying to feel like

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nobody cares if you're offended | The Sharp Gentleman - Season 3 Podcast

Man, that title just hits you in the face, doesn’t it? It is unapologetically raw and maybe even rude. Hell, some people might even say it’s offensive to be so crass. This is such a perfect topic to talk about – especially in today’s divisive and politically charged, social-media fueled, attention seeking society. Nobody cares if you’re offended. Let’s explore this with some context. If you’ve ever been on the internet (well, beyond this site), you may have had the unfortunate experience of wandering into

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Dress Socks that Don't Slip Down – DeadSoxy – The Sharp Gentleman

Gentlemen, we have a problem, don’t we? We purchase socks as a necessary evil and tolerate frequent daily adjustments when those socks don’t live up to expectation. They slide down throughout the day, they’re loose after a couple of washes, and start falling apart far too soon. It’s a problem. But, it’s also preventable. Several solutions have been introduced to combat this slippery slope of sock mayhem: Longer socks – I kid you not, people are just now learning that over-the-calf socks are better (they

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Much to my surprise, I grew up to become a man that likes a cigar or two on a fairly regular basis. I don’t know whether it’s the celebratory attachment I have with them (new marriage, new baby, new adventure, job well done, etc.), or the camaraderie I get when I relax with my friends and enjoy a few good cigars on Thursday nights. The point is, I don’t know enough about cigars to give any credible advice. But I trust the people in my

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Finding Balance as an Entrepreneur and family man | The Sharp Gentleman

Did you know one of the most often searched terms is “how to find balance as an entrepreneur and family man” on Google? Why is that? Well, it’s probably because having a work life balance as an entrepreneur is hard as hell. While many people may look at successful entrepreneurs and feel they “have it together” based on their viewpoint, sometimes that’s the furthest thing from the truth. As an entrepreneur, priorities and schedules, and investments and expenses are different than others’ that work in

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State of Today's Man with Rob Kandell - The Sharp Gentleman

There are so many messages of manliness out there in the world these days, all vying for more and more of your attention, but which ones are true? Which messages are good for you, and which are good for everyone? There’s a big difference there. Some influencers will have men believe that the world is getting softer and that men need to focus more on being manly, growing beards, and getting tough. Some are focused on being the best version of yourself so you can

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